showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Mirror's Edge Electronic Arts (EA Digital Illusions CE)2008 labelimageminimize
Fat Princess  Sony Computer Entertainment (Titan Studios;Fun Bits Interactive)2009Rescue your beloved princess through teamwork in this comic medieval battle royale. There's a catch, though - the other team has been feeding her magical cake, making her harder to escort back to your castle. Choose from five distinct character classes and switch at any time to best help your team. Charge head first into battle, heal team-mates as they break through enemy lines, and upgrade your team and the castle defences as you work with your team to save your princess. Online Multiplayer - Face off in online matches with up to 32 players and in-game voice chat. Unique and Varied Maps - Enjoy eight comical and challenging maps, plus two special arena-style single-player levels. Five Character Classes - Change between Worker, Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Priest simply by picking up a new hat. Unique Game Modes - After the seven-chapter single-player campaign, enjoy custom games of Rescue the Princess, Snatch 'n Grab, Team Deathmatch and Invasion. Customizable Avatars - Create your own personal avatar before you charge into battle, and unlock new customization options during gameplay. labelminimizesubject